Sany Group’s customized engine fully automated laser marking workstation recently delivered

We recently tested and delivered a customized laser marking prototype for an industry. The customer is the Sany Group, a world leader in technology, reputation and size in the construction equipment industry. Due to its high level of automation and financial strength, the customer wanted to mark the top and sides of a cast aluminum engine block in the shortest possible time while using robotic loading and unloading.

Based on considerations of minimizing handling and adjusting the position and angle of the engine, and after technical and process discussions, the customer ultimately selected a dual-fiber marking workstation that uses two 100W MOPA fiber autofocus lasers to scan for high-contrast, deep marking of the two workspaces, and a high-speed servo motor motion module to clear the robot load/unload workspace by resetting the position. A full marking cycle time of approximately 15 seconds for a single motor has been tested to mark dark gray areas to a depth of approximately 0.2 mm without burning or yellowing.

Reduce any movement of workpieces.

Our factory is highly automatic and intelligent, you’d better reduce the movement and interaction of workpiece as little as possible, and we have infinite amount of robot can do loading and unloading. “

Customer Process Engineer

fiber laser machine marking sample

Reduce any adjustment for speed up.

Many suppliers like your company have recommended the use of rotary fixture and autofocus marking system, but the manual fixing of motor and gas cylinder clamp is still slow. We plan to integrate the marking process into the current production line and make it as fast as possible. The short term target is marking in 10 seconds and the whole process with loading and unloading in 30 seconds, the long term target is the whole process under 15 seconds. Give us your best configuration with TWO or THREE lasers that can do the job in time and achieve 0.2mm marking depth, high visibility and no burn.”

Customer Process Engineer

custom fiber laser machine

Is it enough?

We do care about the production period rather than the economic, you recommended two 100W laser for this process, are they enough? We need ONE marking time to achieve 0.2mm depth and looks well? Can you send a test mark video and sample to us? With 100W, 200W, 300W and 500W, and the price of each laser source.”

Customer Process Engineer

custom fiber laser marker marking samples

After several times of marking test, the customer finally chooses 100W JPT M7 lasers with 95% power setting for the job. The 200W or more powerful lasers need to set the output around 140~150W, which is marking a little better, but cost much higher for the system.

If you are finding integrated laser solution in line, contact us and ask for a sample marking.